Design and creative direction

  • Startup, consulting and corporate experience 

  • Specialization in design systems / atomic design, human-centered design, product interfaces, visual accessibility and the field of self-service

  • Familiarity with financial, retail / POP / POS, entertainment, travel, construction and government sectors



DPR Construction
Self-performing general contractor
Global Brand Design

Working Concept
Web design and development consultancy that plans, designs and builds custom Craft CMS projects and plugins
Creative Director

Capital One, ShareBuilder
Capital One Investing
Creative Director

NCR Corporation
Enterprise provider of software, hardware and services
Art Director

Xbox, Zune, TGBArchitects, Girvin
Graphic Designer

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design
Rochester Institute of Technology

Consulting, Freelance & Volunteer Projects

Ascension Labs
Data pipeline automation platform

AI powered time management calendar

DPR Construction
Self-performing general contractor

Exemplary hospitality, beverage and food experiences

Master Gardeners of King County
Charitable and educational resources for home gardeners

Mirikeen Homes
Bellevue custom home builder

NCR Corporation
Enterprise provider of software, hardware and services

Progressive International
Innovative kitchen tools and gadgets

Propel Fuels
Leading provider of renewable fuels in California

Seattle & King County Public Health
Public health department in King County, Washington

Split Software
Intelligent feature management

Sportworks Global
Well-engineered transit bicycle racks and bike parking solutions

Stride Software
Data-driven customer journeys

Data-driven marketing made easy

Toast Interiors
Interior decorator for custom homes

West Seattle Helpline
Provides information, referrals, clothing, bus tickets, rent and utility assistance to help working families in need

Vigor Industrial
Diversified industrial business

How I work

I jump in by figuring out what’s next.

I turn end goals into actionable steps.

I work well with collaborative teams and highly complex challenges.

I like unstructured time for learning new things and room for continuous improvement.

I believe in tracking and addressing factors that impede projects.

I follow the data and am anti-hype.